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Want More Momentum? 

How To Move Forward When Self Confidence Moves Backwards

By Kerryn Gamble

March 31, 2016

Self confidence is the act of choosing to believe we’re enough whatever the outcome. Self confidence is inspiring, but the biggest difference our self confidence makes is in transforming the lives of people around us and those we might never meet.

"Self confidence is the act of choosing to believe we’re enough whatever the outcome"

How is this possible? Each person you come into contact with can see, sense and feel your belief in yourself. It’s about being the source of inspiration which gives others courage to face challenges and beyond this, is a ripple effect at work. Our work helps others grow and benefit and they in turn improve the lives of others. Our self confidence creates opportunities and through opportunities we make a difference.

Sometimes we experience resistance when taking the next step with projects, ventures or initiatives. Our reptilian brain responsible for keeping us safe in earlier times, can play havoc on making a difference even before we start. Stephen Pressfield in his book War of Art, describes these as the “obstacles of ambition”.

"No amount of talent or experience excludes us from moments of doubt or overwhelm"

I am fortunate to work with talented, switched on women, making a difference in their respective fields. The thing is, no amount of talent or experience excludes us from moments of doubt or overwhelm. So how do we take the next step for the “thing” we want to do, that seems overwhelming? Here’s five steps to momentum:

  1. Know thyself -what are your top values? Write down all that seem relevant, circle your top 5
  2. Create perspective. Is this “thing” in line with how I want to make a difference or what I want to achieve? Continue if yes, shift focus if no
  3. Get clear on the worst case scenario- be specific
  4.  Imagine recovering from this scenario. Is it do-able? Continue if yes, shift focus if no
  5. Take the next step

"The difference we make and the value we add is as unique as our thumbprint"

We’re all on the right path, what’s up to us is how well we manage our journey. If what you’re doing is energy sapping or stirring negative emotion, it might be feedback that your decisions and actions are not supporting what matters to you. The difference we make and the value we add is as unique as our thumbprint.

If you enjoyed this, head over to for further insights. Download your Speak With Confidence Guide and ditch confidence undermining speech habits.

Kerryn's mission is closing the confidence and achievement gap for women. Kerryn works with professional women to solve confidence-related business challenges. Contact via 

Kerryn is Vice President of Professional Speakers Australia (VIC, SA, TAS), Founding Director of CORE Potential, creator of Results Roundtable, member of the Australian Institute of Training & Development and International Coach Guild.

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